Salesian Sisters’ Nursing College at a Glance!
Check out this video for an Idea about our work, it gives you an overview of the facility, object and an insight into student life.
SSW Japan
Specified Skilled Worker (ii) is a status of residence for foreign nationals to engage in jobs that require proficient skills in specified industry fields.
TITP Japan
Technical Intern Training Program (TITP) is one such program in Japan that promotes the acceptance of foreign human resources, who acquire skills and knowledge ...
Study Abroad with Job
Students can get admitted to the top educational centers across the globe with job that pays.

Apply for Admission
We are accepting applications for admissions
About Us
Salesian Sisters’ Nursing College (SSNC) was established in 2019. The institute offers a 3-year Diploma in Nursing Science, Midwifery, and a 4-year Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSC).
Over 200 students graduate from SSNC each year.
SSNC has well-trained teachers and the majority of them have degrees from France or the UK. The faculty also includes a French national.
In 2023, Tredmig and SSNC joined hands to produce skilled Nursing and caregivers for Japan.